Can You Use Newspaper As Dwarf Hamster Bedding

By Sarah | June 30, 2021

Can You Use Newspaper As Dwarf Hamster Bedding?

When it comes to choosing bedding for your dwarf hamster, there are many different options available. One option that is often considered is newspaper. Newspaper is a readily available and inexpensive material that can be used as bedding for a variety of animals, including hamsters. However, there are some important things to consider before using newspaper as bedding for your dwarf hamster.

Pros of Using Newspaper as Dwarf Hamster Bedding

There are several advantages to using newspaper as bedding for your dwarf hamster. First, newspaper is very absorbent, which can help to keep your hamster's cage clean and dry. Second, newspaper is a good insulator, which can help to keep your hamster warm in the winter. Third, newspaper is a relatively inexpensive material, which can help you to save money on bedding.

Cons of Using Newspaper as Dwarf Hamster Bedding

There are also some disadvantages to using newspaper as bedding for your dwarf hamster. First, newspaper can be dusty, which can irritate your hamster's respiratory system. Second, newspaper can contain harmful chemicals, such as lead and ink, which can be harmful to your hamster if ingested. Third, newspaper can be difficult to clean, which can make it difficult to keep your hamster's cage clean.


So, can you use newspaper as dwarf hamster bedding? The answer is yes, but there are some important things to consider before doing so. If you choose to use newspaper as bedding for your dwarf hamster, be sure to choose a newspaper that is free of dust and harmful chemicals. You should also avoid using newspaper that has been printed in color, as the ink can be harmful to your hamster. Finally, be sure to clean your hamster's cage regularly to prevent the accumulation of bacteria and mold.

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